I would not advise purchasing this game in 2021. I feel that 6/10 is very fair rating for the current state of the game and once it has a year of QOL & bug fixes it will jump up to an 8/10. This game is HEAVILY carried by the art team.
#Oddworld strangers wrath torrent movie#
The cinematics are gorgeous and you can watch them like a movie with popcorn. There are some janky fields of view due to the 2.9D view but for the most part I really enjoyed this aspect of the game. On to the positives, the game looks beautiful and the story is very enjoyable and in-depth. I had two situations where I had to restart an entire level due to a Slig I put to sleep and as soon as I returned from a secret area I would be gunned down immediately.

The area of the level retains state when you leave and come back from another area of the map which sounds fine but is woeful practice. As the player you have limited exposure to other beings in Oddworld, even less so than the Abe's Odyssey.
#Oddworld strangers wrath torrent simulator#
This aspect of the game is cool but the game quickly becomes a bottle throwing simulator to solve all your problems. Side note about crafting: Due to this games new found focus on crafting, the majority of it is bottle related. No player wants to perform the same monotonous task a dozen times. This element of the game is new and is very cool until you realize you need to repeat the task of gathering and crafting the items every time if you die and you didn't recently get a checkpoint. You will grab loot out of lockers, boxes, trashcans etc and craft items from them. The reason I find the lack of quick-saving so problematic is due to the looting & crafting in this game. There is an argument of quick-saving reduces the skill which is fair but no one is forcing the player to use it if they do not want to. Yikes.) There is no quick-save in this game, only checkpoints even though this feature was present in new n' tasty. (E.g level involving mortars, if you've played this level you'll know what I'm talking about. This is annoying at best and infuriating after it happens 10 times in a row. To avoid any form of spoiler I will speak generally, there are multiple instances in this game where you die by things that have no feedback that something is going to happen. My negative impressions are due to multiple examples of very poor game design and I feel like they really missed the mark in many areas. That aside I am open to a new way of playing the story of one of my favorite game series. I can't believe I'm giving this a 6/10 since it feels like I have been waiting for it's release for so long and I wanted to love it. My negative impressions are I think a lot of people are disappointed with this game simply because it can't live up to nostalgia of playing when we were younger. I think a lot of people are disappointed with this game simply because it can't live up to nostalgia of playing when we were younger.